Amerthabali Villas Guest Priority Covid-19 Safety Protocols (ENGLISH)
- If any guest or member of staff think they have fever or a regular cough, they must report their condition to the Covid-responseteam and, obviously, avoid going anywhere, especially hotels, guest houses or
- Masks must be worn in public places at ALL
- Regular temperature checks will be made of staff and guests: especially for hotel arrival, upon entering a restaurant or Also, checks will be requested by our community team randomly atpublic area.
- Maintain 2 meters social distancing at ALL
- Regular hand-washing is essential for all staffand guests. Sinks,soap and sanitizer will be available throughout the Resort.
- Tourist guest identity card or bracelet with Name, Nationality and accommodation, dated, signed or stamped by accommodation,has to be carried wherever you go in
- Minimize contact areas, for example: place open passport on reception counter so front desk staff can photograph. Laundry baskets will be live outside your room and guests asked tocontact reception if they need their rooms cleaned or towels/ bedding changed.
- Kitchen, restaurant,bar and reception surfaces and floors will be cleaned and sanitized with disinfectant Door handlesand other contact areas of contact will also be cleaned throughout the day.
- Rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized withdisinfectant between guest
Protokol Utama Tamu Covid-19 Taman Sari Bali Resort (BAHASA)
Sekarang sepenuhnya memenuhi peringkat CHSE, peringkat tertinggi di Indonesia untuk kesehatan dan keselamatan covid
- Apabila ada staff dan tamu yang mengalami demam dan batukyang berkesinambungan, meraka harus melapor ke petugas pengawas COVID dantentunya melarang berpergian khususnya ke hotel, homestay dan
- Masker harus selalu digunakan di tempatumum
- Pengecekan suhu secara rutin kepada staff dan tamu dikedatangan Hotel , memasuki bar atau restoran. Pengecekanacara acak juga akan dilakukan oleh petugas desa di area
- Menjaga jarak 2 meter social distancing setiap
- Pencuci tangan yang rutin kepada seluruh staff dan tamu.Washtafel, sabun dan sanitiser tersedia di seluruh areal
- Kartu Identitas Tamudengan Nama, asal dan negara,tanggal kedatangan, di ttd atau di cap oleh hotel yang selalu dibawa kemanapun tamu berpergian di
- Kurangi sentuhan langsung, seperti contoh: Taruh paspordengan terbuka di konter reception agar bisa di photo oleh petugas. Keranjang laundry agar ditaruh di luar kamar dan tamu dapat menghubungi Reception apabila merekamemerlukan kamarnya dibersihkanatau handuk/ sprei diganti.
- Meja dan Lantai Dapur, restoran,bar dan reception serta lantainya akan dibersihkan dan disanitasi secara rutin. Gagang pintu danarea lain yang bank tersentuh juga akan dibersihkan setiap
- Kamar akan dibersihkan dan disanitasi dengan disinfectantdiantara tamu